Can you buy without going to market, without having money in your pocket without seeing the shop without saying even a word to shop keeper and above all without moving an inch from your bed!!! No, no I am not joking, it's now not a dream it's a fact and reality. It's all in front of your sight. Yes, it's e-commerce, a new way of online business through internet.
You can purchase whatever you want, from a home to a new model car, dresses, toys, equipments, seat reservation in a flight, room reservation in a hotel, and many more on internet. What just you need is a computer with an internet connection and plastic money. With a few clicks of a computer mouse at home consumers can now purchase perfume, cigars, tennis shoes, designer chocolate insurance stereo equipment and thousands of other items. Online customers can rent an appartment, secure a mortgage, make hotel reservations, book airline tickets, order groceries, check out job openings and send flowers (both virtual and real). Commerce has arrived in cyberspace.
According to a world famous opinion poll,peoples say they will prefer to buy things online because of easiness, convenience and safety. Days are not far when all the internet users will enjoy the facility of online shopping and implementation of e-commerce will take place in every country interlinked globally offering worldwide service through their networks.