1999 being the last year of 20th century has lot of stuffs to think over what the humans have lost and what they have found during the century.

No doubt, passing of one century and entering into next century is a great milestone in the human history but it's not only for rejoicing and celebration but to have a thorough study on what mistakes were made on various matters and what decisions were made on serious matters and what results were obtained. It's only time which provides an opportunity to peep into history and analyse the outcomes which affected human future on the earth.

20th century is called as a century of development of science and technology which has deep impact over every corner of life. This is true but one pleasant aspect of picture, the other terrible aspect is that men used power of technology for destruction. Nobody can refuse this allegation that aeroplans were used in two world wars for bombartment over cities, rockets were fired for indiscremant massive destructions, tanks and guns were used for killings and above all nuclear power was used to ruin the cities.

Industrial developments has made air and water poluted. Various diseases are now common which were not identified earlier. The situation is more worse in poor countries of Asia and Africa where even basic health facilities are not available despite century is coming to end but their condition is same for last many decades and nobody knows till when it will continue?

There is a need for deep thinking and analysis to determine the reponsibility and preventation to adopt in coming century. Who should do this - Every country and every nation (particularly under developed countries) must do it to provide themselve an opportunity to survive their identity and existance.

Men on earth is learning and making things but loosing many values and assets at the cost of so-called advancement. Nature provided numberless assets to human beings on the basis of which foundation of advancement was laid down but what is happening that these resources and assests are now being ruined which is creating only massive destruction and unpredictable situations. Of course advancement is natural, vital and essential but never ever at the cost of nature and moral values which indeed is the loss of only men himself.

As stated earlier, men is contineously learning but this is a true fact that he has not yet learnt how to live on earth. Study of past of human beings clearly points out this fact. Men always involved in wars at the name of race, land, religion and civilisation. In such wars, weapons were used but many wars were without weapons like war of idealogy, economy and culture. These wars are waeponless but equally destructive from one nation to other nation who are losing their moral values, culture and identity. It is interesting that all state-of-art technology is being used in this unperceived war.

Who is culprit ? not of course knowledge and technology but only human's own mental attitude and character which itself a very vast and deep topic to discuss. In coming century Can men change his attitude to determine his right altitude ? Answer is near. Just wait.
